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DIY Watercolors from Upcycled Markers

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.

From: I found instructions for this fun and frugal activity from Julie Finn at Crafting a Green World.


Several old dried-out markers in a variety of colors. Pliers. A few small glass or plastic jars with lids. (Julie suggests using old spice jars, but I had […]

Washi Tape Pencils

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.

From: I got a pack of washi tape on Black Friday last year as a door-buster at a craft store. I didn’t have any idea what to do with it until I saw this cute idea for washi covered pencils at Punk Projects. I modified her method so […]

Edible Marbled Easter Eggs

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: Many people have asked me if my original Marbled Easter Eggs are edible. I always respond by saying that I don’t recommend eating them. Since the egg shells are porous enough for dye to leak through and stain the egg whites, I imagine that the shaving […]

Origami for Kids: Simple Cat

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

Prerequisite: Your child must be able to fold a sheet of paper and make a crease in it, which can be tricky for a for a small child. If your tot struggles with this, then start with something like Kumon Let’s Fold book.


A medium sized […]

Glue Paint and Chalk Pastels

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: I found this cool idea on Mommy Labs.


A bottle of white school glue. One color of Liquid watercolor or food coloring. A chopstick or thin paintbrush handle to stir the glue. Paper or card stock.

Chalk Pastels

Damp cloth for wiping off […]

20 Frugal Holiday Crafts

I was recently asked for some good frugal Christmas craft ideas, so I created this list. You should be able to make most of these crafts with things you have around the house. Even if you don’t have the exact supplies, I think all of these activities lend themselves well to improvising.

I am […]

Last Minute Advent Activity Calendar

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: A couple of years ago, I saw several ideas for advent calenders that contained activities instead of candy or toys. I loved the concept, but found it overwhelming to get the entire thing organized, especially considering how busy the holidays usually are. I found tons of idea […]

Acorn Cap Jewels

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.


From: I found these beautiful acorn cap jewels at Homemade Serenity.


Acorn Caps. (Acorn caps by themselves should be fine, but immediately bake whole acorns for 1-2 hours in a 170 degree oven to kill any insects that are hiding inside!) Glue. Colored Markers. […]

Acorn Pumpkins

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: These adorable acorn pumpkins were featured in Family Fun Magazine last year.


An oven. (Absolutely Critical!) Acorns (While you are at it, make sure collect some acorn caps for next week’s craft!) Orange and brown craft paint. Paint brush. A black fine point (but not ultra-fine) […]

Berry Basket Weaving

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.


From: I loved this beautiful strawberry basket weaving with yarn at Paint Cut Paste, and decided to try let Sweet Pea try an easier version with ribbon.


Berry basket. Ribbon. Scissors.


Wrap a piece of ribbon around the basket 2 times to […]