Need a Button?

Cloud Dough

Sweet Pea was 5 years old.


From: Many people have blogged about Cloud Dough, but I first read about it at Tinkerlab. Cloud Dough is a mixture of flour and oil that creates a really interesting substance. It is somewhat powdery, but easily clumps together when pressed. It is like wet sand, […]

Bubble Dough

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.


From: I saw this very cool and super easy Bubble Dough recipe from Creative Playhouse and couldn’t wait to try it!


Mixing bowl. 1 cup Cornstarch. 1/4-1/2 cup Liquid dish or hand soap. (We used Dawn.) Dry cloth and a damp sponge for clean […]

Glow Sticks in the Tub

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: I have seen variations on this in a few places: The Chocolate Muffin Tree, Play At Home Mom and Meaningful Mama.


Glow Sticks. (I found a tube of 15 bracelets in the Target Dollar spot for only $1 and Micheal’s Craft Store sells them like that […]

Golf Tee Marble Balance

Sweet Pea is 42 months old.

From: Here is an easy activity from Pink and Green Mama and A Bit of This and A Bit of That.


Styrofoam block. (We got ours from Micheal’s.) Golf tees. Marbles. (For some reason, I had difficulty finding marbles. I ended up buying them from the […]

Homemade Finger-paint

Sweet Pea is 43 months old.

From: I found this homemade finger-paint recipe at Not Just Cute.


Printer friendly version of this fingerpaint recipe. (This is a .pdf file and requires Foxit or Adobe Acrobat for viewing.) Stove. Saucepan. 3 TBS sugar. 1/2 Cup cornstarch. 2 Cups cold water. Containers for holding the […]

Button Outline Matching

Sweet Pea is 39 months old.

From: I found this great post full of ideas for buttons at The Activity Mom.


A bag of plastic craft buttons. (We got ours from Micheal’s.) A thin tipped marker A piece of paper.


Select several different shaped buttons. Use the marker to draw […]

Matching Color Shades

Sweet Pea is 37 months old.

From: I saw this on Giving Up on a Clean House, Crunchy and Green, and Chasing Cheerios. Also, the Montessori Color Tablets, Box #3 exercise is a somewhat similar activity.


Paint sample cards. Select 2 identical sheets for each color you want to use. Clothespins. Scissors. Glue. […]

Gem Balance on a Popsicle Stick

Sweet Pea is 37 months old.

From: I found this quick little activity on ABC and 123 and The Shafer Family.


Popsicle or craft sticks. Flat glass gems (We found ours in the floral section at Micheal’s) Bowl (to hold the gems). Tray (optional).


Put the gems in the bowl […]

Sound Eggs or “A Descent into Hysteria” – Part 2

Sweet Pea is 35 months old.

From: This activity is based on the Montessori sound cylinders work. It is a great way to use some of those plastic eggs that are laying around after Easter and I’ve seen it in a ton of places (most recently on Giving Up On A Clean House and […]

Sticker Shapes

Sweet Pea is 34 months old. (Oh, I groan every time I have to increment this. How bittersweet.)

From: I found this idea on the very useful Confessions of a Homeschooler blog. We originally used the shape tracing template (.pdf file requires Foxit or Adobe Acrobat) from Coloring Castle.


My shape outline […]