Need a Button?

Collecting Pom-Poms

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: When Sweet Pea began to tire of the Tape Maze, I extended it with this activity.


Masking Tape. A handful of pom-poms or cotton balls Small bucket or bowl.


Set up a tape maze as I described in the Tape Maze activity. Have […]

Tape Maze

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: This is a variation on the traditional Montessori “Walking on the Line” activity.


A roll of masking tape.


Tape a very long piece of masking tape to the floor. Place several other long pieces of masking tape on the floor that cross […]

Gem Balance on a Popsicle Stick

Sweet Pea is 37 months old.

From: I found this quick little activity on ABC and 123 and The Shafer Family.


Popsicle or craft sticks. Flat glass gems (We found ours in the floral section at Micheal’s) Bowl (to hold the gems). Tray (optional).


Put the gems in the bowl […]