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Do-a-Dot Numbers

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: Here are the Do-A-Dot number pages! A long time ago, I created a set of uppercase Do-A-Dot letters and since then, many people have asked me to also create number ones. These Do-A-Dot sheets are tedious to make so it took me a while to get them […]

Do-A-Dot Letter Mazes

Sweet Pea was 4 years old.

From: I found this quick Do-A-Dot letter recognition idea at Tons of Fun and also at A Mommy’s Adventures.


Do-A-Dot Markers. A-Z Letter Maze Worksheets. (All of the letter worksheets are included in one file. Right click on link and select “Save Link As…” or “Save Target […]

Lowercase Do-A-Dot Letters

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I have finally finished the lowercase Do-A-Dot letters! A long time ago, I created a set of uppercase Do-A-Dot letters and since then, many people have asked me to also make a lowercase version. It took me much longer to make these than I expected, but […]

Father’s Day Card

Sweet Pea is 37 months old.

From: The Crafty Crow featured a cute Father’s Day card from No Time for Flashcards and I decided to do something similar for Sweet Pea’s Grandpa.


A white piece of paper or card stock. A blank card or colored card stock cut and folded into […]

Uppercase Do-A-Dot Letters

Sweet Pea is 35 months old.

From: Erika from Confessions of a Homeschooler often posts an individual Do-A-Dot letter worksheet when her tot is learning a particular letter (P for example), but I had trouble searching her site to find all of the letters. I also searched the web, but was surprised that I […]

Dot Painters

From: I got the idea for this type of art work from Carissa’s tot school post at 1+1+1=1 and I bought the Do-A-Dot Rainbow Painting Set from Micheal’s Craft Store.

Procedure: There isn’t a whole lot to explain. I just put a piece of paper in front of Sweet Pea, unscrewed the cap on […]