Need a Button?

Glue Paint and Chalk Pastels

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: I found this cool idea on Mommy Labs.


A bottle of white school glue. One color of Liquid watercolor or food coloring. A chopstick or thin paintbrush handle to stir the glue. Paper or card stock.

Chalk Pastels

Damp cloth for wiping off […]

Acorn Cap Jewels

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.


From: I found these beautiful acorn cap jewels at Homemade Serenity.


Acorn Caps. (Acorn caps by themselves should be fine, but immediately bake whole acorns for 1-2 hours in a 170 degree oven to kill any insects that are hiding inside!) Glue. Colored Markers. […]

Colored Salt (or “How I Didn’t Make Homemade Glitter”)

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: When I saw this “Do-It-Yourself Glitter” recipe all over pinterest (originally from this Sprinkles and Sequins tumbler page) I couldn’t wait to try it. I thought, “This looks awesome! Cleaning up salt will be so much easier than real glitter and I won’t have to worry about […]

Christmas Tree Counting

Sweet Pea is 44 months old.

From: I saw this on Carisa’s 1+1+1=1 blog. She originally got the printables from Musings of Me (which also has some other great Christmas worksheets). I loved the concept, but I don’t have a color printer and wanted the stars to be easier to cut out, so […]

Packing Peanut Collage

Sweet Pea is 44 months old.

From: I do a lot of my Christmas shopping online and recently have been inundated with boxes full of packing peanuts. Instead of just throwing them away, I let Sweet Pea make a collage with them.


Paper. Styrofoam packing peanuts. Washable white glue. (We like the Crayola […]

Gluing Sand to Paper

Sweet Pea is 27 months old.

From: I saw a glue stick next to us while we were drawing in the sand tray and thought, “Hey, why don’t we try gluing the sand onto some paper?”


Non-toxic sand. A box or jelly roll pan to hold the sand. It needs to be wide […]

Out Like a Lion

I read a tot school idea about crumpling paper and was inspired to have Sweet Pea crumple pieces of yellow tissue paper for a mane and then glue them onto a lion head (a cut-out yellow circle w/ construction paper eyes, mouth and nose).

Her idea of crumpling was not quite as thorough as […]