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“Laser” Obstacle Course with Yarn

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: I got the idea for this fun activity from this picture on pinterest, but I can not find the original source. (If you know where it came from, let me know so I can give credit.)


Yarn. Masking tape. A hallway or other long and narrow […]

Spray Painting Snow

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I saw this fun activity was on Rockabye Butterfly last year, but we had to wait a very long time for it to snow enough for us to try it. I’m happy we finally got a little bit of snow this year before winter was over!



Collecting Pom-Poms

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: When Sweet Pea began to tire of the Tape Maze, I extended it with this activity.


Masking Tape. A handful of pom-poms or cotton balls Small bucket or bowl.


Set up a tape maze as I described in the Tape Maze activity. Have […]

Tape Maze

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: This is a variation on the traditional Montessori “Walking on the Line” activity.


A roll of masking tape.


Tape a very long piece of masking tape to the floor. Place several other long pieces of masking tape on the floor that cross […]

A Bike for Christmas

Sweet Pea is 31 months old.

Sweet Pea has been asking for a bike ever since she saw her Grandpa riding one last summer. When we asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she begged for a “blue bike! blue bike!”, so Santa (Thank You Aunt Jackie!) brought Sweet Pea a balance bike […]

Yoga Kids

Sweet Pea is 30 months old.

Sweet Pea demonstrates Downward Facing Dog.


From: Sweet Pea really likes joining me for WiiFit Yoga so when I read about a Yoga Kids dvd on The Adventures of Bear blog, I immediately ordered it from our library.


Yoga Kids dvd. dvd player.

