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Cooking with Kids: Easy-Peasy Popsicles

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.

From: I often freeze those tubes of yogurt for Sweet Pea. One day, when she asked me to make them, we were out of tubes, but had some yogurt cups, so I offered to try to make popsicles out of those instead and they turned out great!



Play-Doh and Craft Stick Number Line

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I have had trouble finding anything about learning the teen numbers. Many activities seem to be about only the numbers 1-10, so I was excited when I saw this wonderful math idea at Chalk Talk because I knew I’d be able to extend it all the […]

Gem Balance on a Popsicle Stick

Sweet Pea is 37 months old.

From: I found this quick little activity on ABC and 123 and The Shafer Family.


Popsicle or craft sticks. Flat glass gems (We found ours in the floral section at Micheal’s) Bowl (to hold the gems). Tray (optional).


Put the gems in the bowl […]