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Corn Syrup Painting

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: This beautiful corn syrup painting idea from eighteen25 has been on my to-do list for over a year.


Corn syrup. 3-4 Small bowls. 3-4 colors of liquid watercolors or food coloring. Crayons. Paper. Paintbrush. Smock for your tot. Damp Sponge for clean up.


Watercolor Resist Valentines

Sweet Pea is 45 months old.

From: Do you want to make some cute homemade Valentines with your tot? We loved these adorable watercolor resist valentines from One Inch World (featured on Teach Preschool’s excellent Tumblr blog).


Watercolor paint. (We used liquid water color, but a standard pallet of watercolors should work […]