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Tea Party (and a Tea Giveaway!) (CLOSED)

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: Sweet Pea loves a good tea party, however, I partly posted about this activity so I could give away a bag of vanilla tea. 🙂


A tea set (real, toy or imaginary).


Help your tot set the table (or floor) for their tea […]

Tape Maze

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: This is a variation on the traditional Montessori “Walking on the Line” activity.


A roll of masking tape.


Tape a very long piece of masking tape to the floor. Place several other long pieces of masking tape on the floor that cross […]

Felt Pizza

Sweet Pea is 29 months old.

From: I was inspired by this cute felt pizza described on The Adventures of Bear blog. Mine is not nearly as pretty as hers, but it does have the advantage of not requireing a sewing machine. 🙂


Several pieces of felt that resemble colors in a pizza […]