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Cloud Dough

Sweet Pea was 5 years old.


From: Many people have blogged about Cloud Dough, but I first read about it at Tinkerlab. Cloud Dough is a mixture of flour and oil that creates a really interesting substance. It is somewhat powdery, but easily clumps together when pressed. It is like wet sand, […]

Bubble Dough

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.


From: I saw this very cool and super easy Bubble Dough recipe from Creative Playhouse and couldn’t wait to try it!


Mixing bowl. 1 cup Cornstarch. 1/4-1/2 cup Liquid dish or hand soap. (We used Dawn.) Dry cloth and a damp sponge for clean […]

Exploding Ivory (Bonus: “How to Make PlaySnot® – A New Sensory Material”).

Sweet Pea is 6 years old.

From: This quick little activity is from Our Best Bites.


A brand spanking new bar of Ivory soap. A plate. A microwave.



Put the bar of Ivory soap on the plate and put the plate in the microwave. Set the timer for […]

Glow Sticks in the Tub

Sweet Pea is 5 years old.

From: I have seen variations on this in a few places: The Chocolate Muffin Tree, Play At Home Mom and Meaningful Mama.


Glow Sticks. (I found a tube of 15 bracelets in the Target Dollar spot for only $1 and Micheal’s Craft Store sells them like that […]

Colored Salt (or “How I Didn’t Make Homemade Glitter”)

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: When I saw this “Do-It-Yourself Glitter” recipe all over pinterest (originally from this Sprinkles and Sequins tumbler page) I couldn’t wait to try it. I thought, “This looks awesome! Cleaning up salt will be so much easier than real glitter and I won’t have to worry about […]

Homemade Finger-paint

Sweet Pea is 43 months old.

From: I found this homemade finger-paint recipe at Not Just Cute.


Printer friendly version of this fingerpaint recipe. (This is a .pdf file and requires Foxit or Adobe Acrobat for viewing.) Stove. Saucepan. 3 TBS sugar. 1/2 Cup cornstarch. 2 Cups cold water. Containers for holding the […]

Scratch-and-Sniff Painting

Sweet Pea is 40 months old.

From: I found this at The Picky Apple and another version (featured on the fabulous Crafty Crow website) at Paint Cut Paste .


3 or 4 packets of Kool-Aid in different colors. Small bowls. Paint brush. Paper. Kid’s craft paint in colors that correspond to […]

Sound Eggs or “A Descent into Hysteria” – Part 2

Sweet Pea is 35 months old.

From: This activity is based on the Montessori sound cylinders work. It is a great way to use some of those plastic eggs that are laying around after Easter and I’ve seen it in a ton of places (most recently on Giving Up On A Clean House and […]

Clean Paint

Shannon’s Note: This is a guest post from my friend Lori, who worked as a preschool teacher for 3 years and now enjoys staying home with her daughter.

E.G. is 18 months old.


2 Sheets Glad Press’n Seal or Contact Paper Tempera Washable Paints Scissors (for the grown-up) Q-Tips (optional)


Line […]

Sound Bells

Sweet Pea is 26 months old.

From: I saw this on The Wonder Years blog.


10 Closed jingle bell-style 1″ bells. (I got a small bag from Micheal’s for about $3.00) A butter knife. 3 Baskets or bowls.


Use the butter knife to pry one of the […]