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Paper Weaving

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I found this quick little activity from lilla a (site is in Swedish) via pinterest.


3 or 4 sheets of colorful paper. Tape. Scissors.



Cut a 1 inch strips all the way across one sheet of paper, but leave about 1 inch uncut […]

Introduction to Sewing

Sweet Pea was 46 months old.

From: This activity was inspired by a section on sewing in John Bowman’s book Montessori at Home.

Prerequisite: Your tot should be very good at lacing before you introduce him to sewing.


Shelf Liner. Embroidery Floss Sewing Hoop Dull needle. (We found a package of plastic beading […]

Teaching Your Tot To Tie A Knot

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I was getting ready to show Sweet Pea a sewing activity (which I will post about next time) when she surprised me by saying she knew how to tie a knot. Her preschool teacher had shown her this very simple method and in delightful reversal, Sweet […]

Make Your Own Lacing Cards

Sweet Pea is 40 months old.

From: I was inspired by these homemade lacing cards on Sorta Crunchy.


Craft Foam. (We bought ours at Micheal’s.) Scissors. Plastic tipped beading laces. (We found these at Micheal’s, but you might be able to use an old shoelace.) Double stick tape or loops of regular […]