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Sticker Number Line

Sweet Pea is 38 months old.

From: This really fast activity is from Life with My Giggly Girls, who originally got it from No Time For Flashcards.


Stickers. Sheet of paper. Marker.


Fold the paper into 3-10 sections, depending on your tot’s counting ability.

Unfold the paper and […]

Letter Search with Stickers

Sweet Pea is 36 months old.

From: The Activity Mom did this quick letter matching activity, which I think originally came from Crunchy and Green.


Alphabet stickers. (You can get these almost anywhere. We found ours at Target.) Letter matching worksheets. (Start with the partial alphabets worksheets on the top row and only […]

Sticker Shapes

Sweet Pea is 34 months old. (Oh, I groan every time I have to increment this. How bittersweet.)

From: I found this idea on the very useful Confessions of a Homeschooler blog. We originally used the shape tracing template (.pdf file requires Foxit or Adobe Acrobat) from Coloring Castle.


My shape outline […]

Thank You Notes

Sweet Pea is 32 months old.

From: I started doing this a while ago so that Sweet Pea could be involved in writing thank you notes for her gifts. After Christmas this year, we had several thank you notes to write.


Blank note cards and envelopes. (Target sells some cheap ones near their […]

Sorting Stickers

Sweet Pea is 31 months old.

From: I bought a cheapo sticker & album set from the Dollar Store. When I gave it to Sweet Pea, she started sorting the stickers by color all on her own. I was pretty impressed that she had made up her own Tot School activity with it.


Kumon Let’s Sticker and Glue Book – Part 2

From: I first posted about this Kumon Let’s Sticker and Paste book here. In the meantime, I received a great comment from Julie at The Adventures of Bear about how to make sticker work easier for tots. She suggested that I peel the excess sticker material off of the sheet, leaving only the stickers […]

Kumon Let’s Sticker & Glue Book

Sweet Pea is 23 months.

After Sweet Pea’s trouble with the tiny Where’s George Stickers a couple of weeks ago, I was really excited about finding this Kumon Let’s Sticker & Paste book at Target. It has pages designed for sticking and gluing specifically provided stickers and cut-outs. For example, the first page is […]

Where’s George Stickers

1+1+1=1’s Pacman had fun with a Where’s George $1 sticker set from Target so when I saw the same set, I thought we would give it a try. Sweet Pea liked looking at the stickers and seemed excited by the book, but the stickers were so tiny she couldn’t really work with them. I […]