Sweet Pea is 45 months old.
From: Amy posted this on Teach Mama last year and her family recently did it again. I interviewed Sweet Pea last March, but I like the idea of associating the interview with the start of the New Year, so we just did it again, too.
- Print out the interview questions or just jot some down on a sheet of paper.
- Let your tot know that you want to interview them.
- Ask questions for as long as your tot remains interested.
Observations: This is a super quick and easy activity and such a fun snapshot of your child’s interests. I highly recommend it for all ages. Here is our interview for 2011. Everything in blue is a direct quote.
What is your name? Miss [Sweet Pea].
How old are you? 3.
When is your birthday? In April.
Who is your mom? Shannon.
What does your mom do doing the day? Work. What sort of work? Well… I don’t know.
What does Daddy do during the day? Daddy goes to work. And what does he do at work? He works on his computer.
What is your favorite color? Blue… And pink!
What is your favorite song? Rudolph. And I love to watch Rudolph… because I just love him.
What do you want to do when you are a grown up? Well… take care of my own baby.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? Uh, I don’t know yet.
What is your favorite food? Pasta and macaroni and cheese.
What is your least favorite food? [Shrug.] I like to drink tea. (She means decaf hot tea with lots of milk.)
What is your favorite animal? A giraffe.
Who does our family love the most? Me!
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolaty.
Where do you like to eat? [Blank stare] What restaurant? McDonald’s.
What is your favorite book? Bear Feels Scared. (Bear Feels Scared by Karma Wilson is an excellent book for tots.)
What is your favorite toy? Thomas.
How do you like to spend your time? LEGOs. (LEGOs? Where did that come from? We don’t own any LEGOs.)
What is your favorite thing that happened last year? Getting presents.
What are you looking forward to doing this year? Opening gifts again. I want to open gifts next year.
Notes from the Trenches: Sweet Pea was much more interested in the interview this time. I was a little sorry I didn’t have more questions ready for her, but I think it was good we stopped before she got bored.
I am prone to delaying things until the perfect time. As I said before, I encourage you to print out the questions and ask them right away. Your tot will be another year older before you know it.
Rating: 3 Stars * (Fun, Easy, Frugal)
What a great idea. I think Tabitha would love doing this, not sure about Amelia. Tabitha loves answering my Words of Wisdom Wednesday questions.
What great fun! I love all her answers.
Thanks for reminding me! I love her answers, I can’t wait to see what my little one does. I think I might video tape it- that would be funny.
I checked out Bear Feels Scared from the library. C and I both love it. Thanks for the recommendation. I’m going to request the other “Bear” books from the library as well…
[…] to interview your toddlers/preschoolers every year and decided to try it out with Ava (thanks to Tot School)! I also tried it with Kelvin, but he was not interested at all. Maybe I’ll try it again […]
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[…] funnel, bubbles, float and sink), popsicle stick shapes, seasonal sensory bins, Penny Drop Game, interviewing a 3 yr old.. and my personal favorite: rainbow […]