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Sidewalk Water Painting

Sweet Pea is 38 months old.

From: This is a very fun and easy outdoor activity that I saw on the excellent Teach Mama blog.


  • Pleasant weather.
  • An old paintbrush.
  • Bowl of water.
  • Concrete, wood, rocks or any other object that can be “painted” with water.


  • Bring your materials and your tot outside.
  • Wet the paintbrush and show your tot how to paint on the concrete.
  • Hand your tot the paintbrush and let him or her try.

Observations: Sweet Pea was so happy with this activity.  At first, she liked just making random marks on the ground, but soon was trying to paint shapes and flowers.

On several mornings, we’ve gone outside and done this activity.  I get her set up and paint with her while I drink a cup of tea.  This activity is free, easy, and she loves it, so I would highly recommend you give it a try with your tot.

I think Sweet Pea would paint all day, but I am a delicate flower and start wilting in the heat of summer.   She is always very unhappy when I insist that we return indoors to air conditioning.

Notes from the Trenches: It is likely that your tot will destroy the paintbrush by grinding it into the concrete so don’t use a good paintbrush for this activity.  We used some cheap ones that were left over from spent Paint with Water books.

Rating: 4 Stars * (Fun, Easy, Independent, Frugal)


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