Need a Button?

Microwave Puffy Paint

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: I think I saw this first on One Crafty Mumma and then later found some variations at Housing a Forest, Mommy Labs, and Making Memories with Your Kids.


1/2 cup Self-rising flour (If you don’t have self-rising flour, you can substitute 1/2 cup all-purpose […]

Spin Art Leaves

Sweet Pea was 4 years old.

From: Lid spin-art has been all over the blogosphere lately (putti prapancha, Let Kid’s Create and Teach Preschool) so when I saw these No Mess Leaves (from Moments of Mommyhood), I immediately wanted to put my own “spin” on them. 🙂


Several colors of kid’s craft paint. […]

Modern Art with a Matchbox Car

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: This activity was inspired by Deborah’s description of an “oldie but goodie” on her excellent Teach Preschool blog.


Paper. Jelly roll tray. Kid’s craft paint Small toy cars. Smock or bib for your tot (optional).


Place a piece of paper on the jelly […]

Toilet Paper Roll Prints

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: Long ago, I saw this post about making shamrock prints from empty toilet paper rolls at Pink and Green Mama and I’ve seen this sort of thing several times since then (circles, hearts, raindrops).


Toilet paper rolls. Kid’s craft paint. A small bowl. Paper. A jelly […]

Paper Punch Art

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: Sweet Pea wanted to make a card for her grandpa one day and I had the idea to let her use flower shapes from a paper punch.


A few different shapes of craft paper punches (We used a multi-flower punch.) Several colors of paper. Glue. […]

Painting on Salt

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: The Crafty Crow (a wonderful collection of children’s art ideas) featured this fun idea from A Bit of This and A Bit of That.


Half-sized sheets of dark colored paper or card stock. Glue. 2-3 Tablespoons of salt in a small bowl. 1 Extra sheet of […]

Fingerprint Heart

Sweet Pea is 4 years old.

From: Initially I thought this cute heart picture from I Really Should Be Sleeping was made from fingerprints. I quickly realized that her version was made of out buttons, but decided that a heart made from fingerprints would be fun for Sweet Pea to make.


A […]

Watercolor Resist Valentines

Sweet Pea is 45 months old.

From: Do you want to make some cute homemade Valentines with your tot? We loved these adorable watercolor resist valentines from One Inch World (featured on Teach Preschool’s excellent Tumblr blog).


Watercolor paint. (We used liquid water color, but a standard pallet of watercolors should work […]

Shaving Cream Marbled Paper

Sweet Pea is 45 months old.

From: Long ago I saw this beautiful art project on Blissful Moments (a blog which is now private) and I fell in love with the results.


Jelly roll pan or disposable baking tray. Another jelly roll pan or cookie sheet. Shaving cream. 3-4 different colors […]

Messy Bleeding Art Tissue Paper

Sweet Pea is 45 months old.

From: I hadn’t heard of bleeding art tissue paper until I read Valerie’s deceptively titled post “Low-Mess Mitten Painting” on her Frugal Family Fun blog. I couldn’t wait to try this new Low-Mess style of painting.


Bleeding art tissue paper. (We found a pack next to the […]